On… Shameless


So Fox and I have been on a Shameless binge.

We’d watched it a couple of times before, of course, and we’d watched the UK version when we lived in London, but for some reason, we have become obsessed over the past fortnight. We’re bingeing it every night. We’ve had a few dinners out, and each time part of me thinks ‘this better be a good goddamn meal if I’m missing Shameless’. FOR REAL. It’s that good. So if you don’t know what to do with yourself for the rest of February, well, now you do.

It’s hilarious and dramatic and urgh, just like, fully fucking immersive and consistently brilliant and charming… a perfect show. And it’s surprising. When we’re watching TV or movies or even when I’m reading books, I often turn to Fox and tell him what’s happening next in the plot. It’s so annoying of me. But I can see it coming. It’s so obvious, it’s like I’ve got the episode plot written out right in front of me. Usually I just try to turn that part of my brain off and enjoy the ride – but with Shameless, I don’t have to. I never know what’s coming next.

We have two, or at the most, three weeks to go until we’re fully caught up. I do not know what the hell we are going to do with ourselves when that happens. I guess talk to each other.


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