Category Archives: Gemma Burgess

On… Good Girls Revolt

So it’s a little premature to be sharing this because I can’t even post a trailer, but Good Girls Revolt by total fucking legend Lynn Povich (I think that’s her official title) was one of my favorite books last year and now it’s becoming a TV series on Amazon. EXCITED.


There is a serious lack of smart, funny and interesting shows for and about women right now. You know, on Netflix, when it says ‘shows you may like’ and one of the categories is ‘Shows With A Strong Female Lead’? I always think, HOW IS THAT A SPECIALIST CATEGORY? You know what they call ‘Shows With A Strong Male Lead’? TELEVISION. We are half the fucking population, man. Come on.

So, yeah. Good Girls Revolt. Bring it on.

On… Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town

I love this song. A couple of years ago, I spent considerable time learning every single word. Just in case I was ever called upon to perform it. Because that could happen.

I did the same with this song Ca Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand, but that was like 20 years ago, which is slightly more excusable. And you know, if I am ever called upon to sing every single word, I will look VERY COOL. (Or not cool. Depending on how you look at it. I choose to look at it as very cool.)

On… The Martian and Only Ever Yours

I’m half-way through this book, my friends, and wanted to tell you about it. The Martian. By Andy Weir.


I’m not a big sci-fi reader, but I grabbed it at the airport on the way to LA this week and OH MY GOD I LOVE IT. Think Cast Away meets Apollo 13 – a NASA scientist gets stuck on Mars. An incredibly strong and charming voice, just so confident and real – so fantastic. I feel that all the people in it are real – I’m grinning and freaking out the whole time. And the space-science stuff is all pretty damn detailed, yet easy to understand, for even the likes of moi. Anyway. Read it.

Also, while we’re on the subject of books: have you read Louise O’Neill’s Only Ever Yours yet?


Absolutely extraordinary book. So brilliant. I could not put it down, even though it made me feel sick and angry and sad and thoughtful, all at the same time. I can’t think the last time I had such a visceral reaction to a story, and it’s been weeks now and I’m STILL thinking about it all the time. She’s an incredibly gifted writer. Read it – and be prepared to feel all the feelings and think all the thoughts.



On… movies I have watched more than once in a sitting


I’m a repeat watcher. Always have been. I blame it on a combination of laziness and OCD.

I’ve seen certain movies (like… Dazed and Confused, Mallrats, Sixteen Candles, When Harry Met Sally, St Elmo’s Fire, Old School, Back To The Future, and for some weird reason, The Saint) upwards of 40 or 50 times each.

So I’m not talking about movies that I watched over and over again over the course of a summer or a year or, um, my life.

I mean, movies that I watched more than once in a DAY.

I can only think of four. (Which is probably still four more than a normal person.)

Bachelorette. I love this film so goddamn much.

I watched it twice in a row in a hotel room, when then-baby Errol was sleeping in a travel crib hidden the bathroom, because that is how you travel with an 11 month old, so I had to have the volume turned down way too fucking low. Have watched it about six times since then at normal audio levels. It’s furiously, aggressively, majestically funny. I love it.

Imagine Me And You. I actually watched this one three times in a row. I was on an airplane to London, coming back from visiting my folks in Hong Kong. I was preparing to break up with someone when I got home, and this movie made me cry so much I started dry-heaving. Good times.

I remember the film being much funnier and faster than the trailer implies.

Wild Child. Don’t overthink it. Watched it with my sister when we were hungover a few years ago, then we exchanged a look, and pressed ‘play’ again. It’s good.

Cheaper By The Dozen 2. I know! But wait. Before you shout at me: I was at a weekend away at someone’s mother’s place in the English countrahside with a group of friends. Everyone else was sleeping in and I was deeply, skin-achingly hungover but unable to sleep, because that is my burden in life. There were no other DVDs in the house. I watched it once, tried to get back to sleep, kept reliving with shame the moment in the night before when I’d danced on a coffee table and sung all the words to ‘Private Eyes’ by Hall and Oates and MADE EVERYONE STOP AND WATCH ME, and then decided to watch it again. Steve Martin always makes me feel better about everything. Roxanne, The Jerk, The Man With Two Brains… I feel happy just typing those titles.

Oh, and in answer to the question I know you want to ask: not having seen Cheaper By The Dozen 1 did not, in any way, reduce my understanding or enjoyment of Cheaper By The Dozen 2.



On… The Brink and Catastrophe

Have you guys watched UNREAL yet? No? Then why are you reading this? Hurry, right now, run, don’t walk, and – oh, you’re at work? You can’t watch TV at work? Okay. In that case, let’s move on.

The next TV show to watch after UNREAL is THE BRINK.

It’s so good, very fast and sharp and unpredictable, and Tim Robbins is just a delight. I realize calling someone ‘a delight’ makes me sound like an elderly aunt but well, that’s fine and dandy, sugar.

I plan to watch this new Amazon show CATASTROPHE as soon as possible. I hear good things (it’s been out in the UK for ages). Excited.