On… the joy of clothes

This post is not about trailers / writing / A Girl Like You / being published, so if you’re here to read about that stuff then scroll on down, sister. This blog is about something completely shallow and delightful. Clothes.(I say ‘clothes’ because ‘fashion’ implies labels. I really can’t respect women who just lurve labels [...]

On… BookBrunch

BookBrunch is THE must-read daily news and information site for the book industry. I wrote a little piece for them about the making of The Dating Detox trailer. Check out ‘Lights, Camera, Traction’ or read it after the jump. When her agent suggested she make her own trailer, novelist Gemma Burgess (left) thought she’d give [...]

On romance

What do you want in your chicklit? My needs are simple. I want to not think the heroine is a drip. I want her to have a life and a brain. I want her to have friends that I’d hang out with. I want to fancy the dude. I want to find their conversations compelling [...]

On New York

So as the plane approached Heathrow after almost a month of wedding fun in New York and Anguilla, I decided to start writing a list of my favourite places in Manhattan. Now! I’m not a New York expert, just an enthusiast. And I won’t even try to sum up the best places to go when [...]

On relaxing

I’m still on honeymoon. But I thought I’d say hello. You see, it’s been three weeks since we left London, and I haven’t gone this long without writing in a decade. And I really miss it.I’m just not that great at doing nothing these days. That’s something I’ve realised over the past ten days of [...]

On honeymoon reading

As you may know, I’m getting hitched in a few weeks. After the ceremony in New York, we’re going to Anguilla for sun and relaxation… so I’ve been book shopping. I like a balanced reading diet and would never binge on a single genre; I need meaty classics, chewy biographies, spicy modern fiction, frothy romance, [...]

On Book Deux – PLUS an extract…

Book Deux still hasn’t got a confirmed title. I realise how tedious this is for you guys, and I’m so sorry. The good people at Harper Collins aren’t crazy about my ideas (The Dating Virgin, The Late Starter, The Bastardette, The Single Life – you get the picture, it’s about learning to be single) but [...]

On other writers

The Guardian compiled (oh, marvellous start to a post) a list of Rules For Writers by, yes, famous writers. All of them have different opinions, expressed very differently. I guess the point is that if you’re a writer and you’ve figured out what works for you, great. If you haven’t, give some of these a [...]