More wedding photos

Is this the right place to post wedding photos? I don’t know. Is it relevant to someone who wants to know more about writing and publishing? Negatory. If that’s what you’re after, scroll down. I write about writing a lot because that’s what I do most of the time. Just not lately. Lately I’ve been getting mawwied. (Said in Princess Bride voice.)

These are wedding ceremony, post-ceremony bridal party and dancing shots (yes, I am a wanker when I dance. I am at peace with this). If you’re into flowers/invites/decor, I’ll post them too. Let me know.

PS In answer to email questions:

My dress is Max Azria, and the shoe are MiuMiu, my headdress is from
The venue is Tribeca Rooftops in Manhattan.
The flowers are Matthew Robbins (you can’t really see them, but trust me – the dinner tables etc were like flowerporn).
The photos were the wonderful and amazing Daphne Borowski.

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4 thoughts on “More wedding photos

  1. annelise

    I love the one of you and Foxy dancing, the facial expressions and the moves are gold!

    Congratulations, you both look gorgeous and very happy!


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