On…. All I Want Is You by The Cars

New Girl played this song for about three seconds this week, and I got all excited about it. So I figured I’d share it.

All I Want Is You by The Cars.

And then it made me think about this song, which is FANTASTIC. What I Like About You by The Romantics.

That, by the way, was the theme song to a play that I directed at university. Bedroom Farce by Alan Aykbourne. It’s a very very funny play, if you get the chance to read or see it, I highly recommend it. Coincidentally, the gorgeous and talented Daisy Aitkens, who played Sass in the book trailer I made for my first book THE DATING DETOX, acted in a UK production of Bedroom Farce last year. Oh, and if you can’t see Bedroom Farce, then just watch Noises Off on DVD. It’s another hilarious Ayckbourne play that they made into a very good movie, and Carol Burnett and Michael Caine are in it! Win, winwinwin.

* Yes, I give everything I do a theme song. The theme song to this blog post is this.

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One thought on “On…. All I Want Is You by The Cars

  1. William Kendall

    Every once in awhile I do hear that first song, usually whilst walking through a store. I think it’s early eighties… it’s possible older siblings might have been listening to it too.


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