On… Valerian 1 Reply Call me a geek. But I love me some Luc Besson. Quick question: why is this movie named for a noxious sleep-inducing drug?
On… music as therapy 3 Replies Somehow, I find myself drawn to angry femme rock these days. Why? Oh, I don’t know WHY DO YOU THINK THAT MIGHT BE HAVE YOU READ THE NEWS LATELY MOTHERFUCKINGCHRISTONABICYCLE. I think that this song is probably waiting for a video: Regardless, it’s great: I Can’t Stand You Anymore by Sleigh Bells. Baby I Call Hell by Deap Vally. Wednesday Night Melody by Bleached. I Told You I’d Be With The Guys by Cherry Glazerr. Another one with no video. Less loud, but still kind of angry: Seashore by Regrettes. Raise Hell by Dorothy. Got any more loud angry women songs for me, gang? (And by the way, thank you all for the podcast ideas – SO AWESOME. I truly appreciate them all and have them lined up on my phone, like little planes on a runway, waiting for takeoff.)