On… a Bollywood song

I don’t understand it but I really, really like it.



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3 thoughts on “On… a Bollywood song

  1. Angee

    Very cool track for sure! With a tune and beats like that who needs to understand it. Understanding it is highly overrated anyway :-)

    Huge congrats on the safe arrival of Ned! Hope all is well with you.

    Angee xx

  2. Sreya

    This film is a yet another modern take on Romeo and Juliet. Here the hero, Ram is basically a no-gooder loafing around and all the girls are obviously in love with him and his body (gasp! this being India)…and this song focuses on how irresistible he is, from his walk, his talk…all the way to his hair!
    And the dance…well…yet another Indian innovation! :D


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