On… Right This Second

What are you doing right this second?

Right this second I am on the sofa, half-watching a Saturday Night Live marathon and half-writing a synopsis for a new project I’ve been thinking about for a while. The baby is asleep and Fox is back in Ireland for a fly-by family visit. He’s back in New York this weekend, and we am planning a couple of dinners out. I want to go here. And here.

I am contemplating eating some toast with Nutella, but it probably won’t happen, partly because I ate my way through Christmas Day like a heartbroken cheerleader and should really step the fuck away from the carbs, and mostly because I am too damn lazy to get up and make it for myself. What else? During the commercial break just now, an ad came on for a tweeny brand of shoes called ‘Daddy’s Money’. I thought was an SNL sketch as it’s so bad. It’s not. It’s a real thing. What the fuck? It reminds me of the time my friend Sarah and I made up pretend perfume names and straplines. Like ‘Patriarchy. Daddy knows best!’  and ‘Solipsism. It’s all about you.’

Tomorrow I am having a seriously overdue PG (Personal Grooming) afternoon. I’m going here. You can figure out why. And here to get highlights. I like to pretend that getting my hair done really doesn’t impact my writing schedule, as I always take my laptop with me and taptaptap away. But I don’t think I can writing during a Brazilian. I am only human.

And that’s the end of my blog. I am doing Right This Second blogs regularly from now on, as it’s so more satisfying (I hope) than my usual crappy Think Of A Theme And Take Three Weeks To Write And Edit A Blog About It. And if you like it, please share your Right This Second stories in the comments.

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5 thoughts on “On… Right This Second

  1. annelise

    Right this second, I'm hopping from foot to foot, having had too much water. TMI, I know.

    I've just done my own Right This Second blog because I'm at work and really have nothing else to do. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Anonymous

    Right this second I am half watching Graham Norton and reading your blog. I am also considering a toast with nutella (and I thought i was the only one to do this kind of stuff) but er wait Tom Cruise is saying something … Ah it wasn't interesting ( you just have to live your life and do your work… Shit poor man he must be depressed)
    So also wanted to comment on in the nightgarden. Ir s like if I gave my girls LSD this is what they d see, ah look more closely something is going on between iggle and daisy. Hope Errol is better. Raphaele

  3. Jennifer

    Right this second, I am crouching/squatting on my chair- a position I’ve perfected, haha. It’s almost noon here and I’m hungry, so contemplating on getting some pancakes..but similarly, can’t be bothered to get up:)


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