On… Kindle sales


A GIRL LIKE YOU and THE DATING DETOX are both insaaaaanely cheap on Kindle (£1!) – but only for the rest of August!

They’re currently in the Amazon Kindle bestseller lists (woo) at 14 (doublewoo) and 34 (triplewoo, but a smaller woo, like a woolet) respectively.

And if we can get them into the top 10 it would be really, really amazing and do wondrous things for my future career. Like, stupendously wondrous…

Now, you know I wouldn’t normally ask you this, but if you can, please download one or both for your Kindle or Kindle for iPad or from the Apple Shop and I’ll be your BFF. For serious. FOR EVER. I will hold your hair back when you are sick and lend you my favourite shoes and talk about your ex/boss/hair for as long as you like. Pinkyswear.

After August the prices will start going back up – so don’t miss out…

Thank you and sorry for asking a favour. You know it’s not really my style but it’s just a teeny weeny one…

Click the links to download…



EDIT: Good God. Have just found out that A GIRL LIKE YOU is no.2 on the UK Apple iStore – second only to ONE DAY by David Nicholls. I am not yanking your chain. Anyone can buy it – all you need is an iTunes account for your iPhone, iPod, whatever… The same deal goes for eternal BFFism if you do.

SECOND EDIT: Wow. It’s now Thursday 25th, and A GIRL LIKE YOU is no 13 across the entire Paid Books Kindle UK store, no 12 in Fiction and no 8 in Contemporary Fiction. And THE DATING DETOX is no 31 in entire Paid Books Kindle store, 29 in fiction and 15 in Contemporary Fiction. Thank you everyone who bought one. You rock. x

THIRD EDIT: I promise not to update you every time they jump a notch on Amazon – I mean, seriously, no one cares that much, I know – but this seems blogworthy: A GIRL LIKE YOU and THE DATING DETOX are BOTH in the Apple iTunes Books TOP 10! xx And yeah, that’s a double kiss for you. I’m a total slut like that.

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5 thoughts on “On… Kindle sales

  1. Spotted♥Coloured♥PJ's

    Hey Gemma, I have read both and it is honestly hard to say which I loved the best. Both boos are simply amazing – kept me laughing all through out (people thought I was going mad laughing to myself on the trains LOL)…..

    Dating Detox is AMAZING! the whole idea is just out of this world, if I wasn't in a relationship i'd try it lol.

    A Girl Like You – again words cannot decribe I've thoroughly enjoyed both books…anymore coming soon??

    P.S. thanks for the extra words I have now incorporated in my vocabulary, i.e. "C**kmonkey….

    love your work – your one of my fave Authors of all time.x

  2. Anonymous

    Please keep writing books!!! I haven't read something so funny and charming in such a long time. I fought myself to put A Girl Like You down, it was at 3am on a work night and loosing the battle with myself – I finished reading it a few hours later. :)


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